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Results from Yahoo › news › 2024/02/05Do All These US Elected Officials Hold Dual Citizenship?

Feb 5, 2024 · If a member (or former member) of Congress was actually a citizen of both the U.S. and Israel, we would know. Sens. Bernie Sanders and Chuck Schumer (both Jewish) have explicitly stated that... › factchecks › 2019Says 89 members of Congress "hold dual citizenship with Israel."

Feb 17, 2019 · A long-running online rumor questions the loyalties of dozens of Congress members by saying they have dual citizenship with Israel. › members-in-us-politics-who-holdMembers in US politics who hold dual US/Israeli citizenship

Sep 5, 2015 · The question is how many of these people are going to be inside the Trump administration? And who in the new administration has duel citizenship with Israel? How many Zionist Christians are going to be there who unwaveringly support Israel because of their wrong religious beliefs? › congress › billsDual Loyalty Disclosure Act (2023 - H.R. 946) -

5 days ago · In Congress, a representative must be a U.S. citizen for the prior seven years, while a senator must be a citizen for the past nine. However, the U.S. allows a citizen to obtain dual citizenship with another nation. › post › are-there-dual-citizens-in-congressAre there "dual citizens" in Congress? - PolicyBear

Jul 27, 2019 · Forbes has estimated it's likely between one to two dozen. Several news outlets have tried to get at a more specific answer in the past few years, and without much luck, given that there is no requirement for members of Congress to publicly disclose dual citizenship. › factchecks › 2023PolitiFact | No, Sen. Chuck Schumer isn’t an Israeli citizen

Oct 24, 2023 · Sen. Chuck Schumer, D-N.Y., an American citizen, is one of 10 senators who are Jewish. Schumer doesn’t have dual citizenship with Israel, his spokesperson told PolitiFact. U.S. senators must... › dual-loyalty-disclosure-act-wouldDual Loyalty Disclosure Act would require political candidates to...

Mar 17, 2023 · In Congress, a representative must be a U.S. citizen for the prior seven years, while a senator must be a citizen for the past nine. However, the U.S. allows a citizen to obtain dual citizenship with another nation. Indeed, some prominent Congress members are (or have been) dual citizens. › news › 2024/02/05Do All These US Elected Officials Hold Dual Citizenship?

Feb 5, 2024 · If a member (or former member) of Congress was actually a citizen of both the U.S. and Israel, we would know. Sens. Bernie Sanders and Chuck Schumer (both Jewish) have explicitly stated that... › factchecks › 2019Says 89 members of Congress "hold dual citizenship with Israel."

Feb 17, 2019 · A long-running online rumor questions the loyalties of dozens of Congress members by saying they have dual citizenship with Israel. › members-in-us-politics-who-holdMembers in US politics who hold dual US/Israeli citizenship

Sep 5, 2015 · The question is how many of these people are going to be inside the Trump administration? And who in the new administration has duel citizenship with Israel? How many Zionist Christians are going to be there who unwaveringly support Israel because of their wrong religious beliefs? › congress › billsDual Loyalty Disclosure Act (2023 - H.R. 946) -

5 days ago · In Congress, a representative must be a U.S. citizen for the prior seven years, while a senator must be a citizen for the past nine. However, the U.S. allows a citizen to obtain dual citizenship with another nation. › post › are-there-dual-citizens-in-congressAre there "dual citizens" in Congress? - PolicyBear

Jul 27, 2019 · Forbes has estimated it's likely between one to two dozen. Several news outlets have tried to get at a more specific answer in the past few years, and without much luck, given that there is no requirement for members of Congress to publicly disclose dual citizenship. › factchecks › 2023PolitiFact | No, Sen. Chuck Schumer isn’t an Israeli citizen

Oct 24, 2023 · Sen. Chuck Schumer, D-N.Y., an American citizen, is one of 10 senators who are Jewish. Schumer doesn’t have dual citizenship with Israel, his spokesperson told PolitiFact. U.S. senators must... › dual-loyalty-disclosure-act-wouldDual Loyalty Disclosure Act would require political candidates to...

Mar 17, 2023 · In Congress, a representative must be a U.S. citizen for the prior seven years, while a senator must be a citizen for the past nine. However, the U.S. allows a citizen to obtain dual citizenship with another nation. Indeed, some prominent Congress members are (or have been) dual citizens.